Paint a creative motif of a light bulb and a whale [Video]
With creative motifs, we can break out of normality and put our thoughts or ideas on paper. We can give free rein to our creativity and combine a light bulb with a whale to express the fact that our huge ideas are just waiting to break out of their outdated shell. In this exercise, we paint such a motif together.
Required painting and drawing tools
For this exercise, we use a mix of several drawing tools. Here is a list for you:
– Fineliner (black)
– Pencil for the sketch
– Watercolors with brushes
Of course, you can also use your colored pencils or markers for the exercise. I’ll leave that up to you and your creativity.
Painting a light bulb with a whale Video tutorial
To accompany the exercise, I have created a video tutorial to guide you through the creation of this painting. Whether you are just starting to paint or are already somewhat advanced, you will be shown everything here, from the sketch to the finished picture.
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Painting light bulb with whale step by step tutorial
Create a sketch
1. Take a pencil and first sketch the shape of the light bulb.

2. Now draw some details inside the light bulb, such as the wire.

3. Now sketch in the whale as well.

4. Now also sketch some cracks in the light bulb.

5. Erase the sketch so that it is just visible.

Coloring a light bulb and whale
1. Now take some black and mix it with water. Use it to paint the upper part of the whale and leave the paint to dry.

2. Now take some pink for the lower area and paint the whale’s belly. Leave the paint to dry.

3. Now paint in some shadows with a slightly more intense color.

4. Now take blue and spread a few dabs in the light bulb.

5. Color the remaining light bulb with light blue.

5. And the socket of the light bulb with black and gray.

Create fineliner drawing
1. Now take a black fineliner and trace your previously created sketch.

2. Use the fineliner to draw in all the details. The sketch serves as a basis here.

3. You can enhance the effect of water with a few water bubbles.

4. Your picture is now almost finished. You can erase the remaining pencil strokes and sign your picture.

If you would like to continue now, then here are some drawing courses for you to continue with.