Using your sketchbook, a pencil, and software like Procreate or Krita, you can create great comic images. For this you can use even a simple sketch. How this exactly works is shown in this post and video.
Color sketches digitally video tutorial
This video will show you all the steps and explain them in detail. In the future, you can simply scan your pencil drawings and use them as a basis for your digital drawings.
The idea behind this technique is very simple. First create a pencil sketch or drawing. Use a soft pencil so that the strokes are relatively clear.

Then scan the drawing with a high quality (e.g. 300 DPI) and load it into your drawing software (e.g. Procreate or Krita).

In the software, change the scanned image to grayscale and increase the contrast so that the drawing consists only of white areas and black strokes.

You should now set the layer with the scanned image to “Multiply” so that the white areas become transparent.

Then create a layer for the background color.
On top of that comes a layer where you completely color the figure with one color. This layer will be your clipping layer.
All layers above that you use for coloring you provide with a clipping mask (alpha layers in other systems).

This allows you to color the figure on this layer without worrying about drawing over the edges. A very handy feature that is used by almost all digital artists.
Now you can generate new layers on top of it as usual, apply a clipping mask to them and color your figure.

And the finished result will be impressive. Watch the exact technique for coloring in the video.

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